Gone are the Days

When I look beyond time’s horizon
I see the days bygone in the past
The days when I was a rebel
The days when I was careless

Those were the days when
I had my love by my side
I had my friend flocking for a ride
I had all and peace in my life

But today when I look around
I see myself more disciplined
And I find myself more organized
But I lost all that I had with me

I lost my love for my principles
I lost my friends for my values
I lost my peace for I don’t compromise
And I now live lonely with my discipline

My friends find me hard to withstand
My folks find me too rude to face
My Love finds me too rigid to accept
And my loneliness finds me everywhere

Gone are the days when I was careless
Gone are the days when I was a rebel
But also gone are the days when I was loved
Today I am all alone on the road to death


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