Rise – When They Think You Fell

I only love to love you the way I do
I only see to see you the way I do
I only care for you to care the way I do
I only feel to feel you the way I do

Never in life I wanted you more than I do
Never in life I felt to see you the way I do
Never in life I missed you the way I do
Never in life I wanted to hold you the way I do

Today you are so far away to talk
Today you are at such a distance to walk
Today there is no way you clear the block
Today we have become our destiny’s mock

Why did you have to go so far away
Why did you have to hide the sway
Why did you block me with your dismay
Why did you change your path and way

When would this curtain be lifted
When would your heart be shifted
I love it even when I am hated
Pain of your heart is felt even if unstated

It’s time you clear your doubts
It’s time you had a verbal bout
If they think you are average girl
Give them the taste of that mean curl

I know it hurts when you are in love
Pain inflicts when it pokes from hearts cove
Remember you would always be one’s dove
Even though you are far away now

Be the Brave Girl the way you are known
Don’t let them ever to make you frown
Get up from the Fall that you are shown
Tell them how tough you have grown

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