The Meeting

When I met you last evening
My heart was beating as if fluttering
I felt as if I am dreaming
As the evening progressed, I was beaming
I felt I need to say those three words
But feared my destiny’s devil swords
I have been dying to tell you
How much you mean to me
How much I love you
I am still feeling that warm hug
Those shy looks and the nudge
Your smiling face is still holding my view
It gave my life a meaning that is new
When I woke up this morning
I for once felt myself dreaming
For you were there in reality
It was as if by the way of divinity
I would love you to be with me
For the life to lead as we
Just keep holding my hand for now
Let’s make our destiny to bow


  1. Mayank

    Thanks Morgan, and thanks for inviting me for the Wild Adventure….Poetry is something that I love, I may not be a Professional, but I love to write…

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