With WhatsApp new notification, talks have been making rounds about using Signal or Telegram or other platforms like Gab et al. However, the user community is forgetting their power to make businesses bend to their demand. Today, its WhatsApp, tomorrow if Signal or Telegram or other such platforms start acting in the same bullish fashion …
Post Corona Virus aka Covid19, the world has converged to Remote Working and Remote Learning. While in the Corporate world, Remote Working had not been any issue with adoption of Technology and Security tools, Remote Learning has taken a new dimension with Online Classes and Online Tutorials. However, there are not many takers of the …
The way the Social Media has been used by various sections of the people, it has come under criticism to quite an extent. One of such case that I would love to refer was highlighted by a very dear friend on LinkedIn and per his post (copying and pasting as is because he wouldn’t mind) …
An online report published by CNET on September 4, 2019 identified that at least 419 million records of phone numbers tied with Facebook accounts appeared in databases online. The report was based on the revelation by TechCrunch. The exposure identified 133 million users from US alone and another 18 million and 50 million records from UK and Vietnam …
1 Executive Summary Information Security Risk Management has gained momentum across the industry verticals. The CXOs across the industry segment are now focusing more and more on the ways and means of containing the troika of threat, vulnerabilities and risks to acceptable levels. Various vendors have introduced tools and various service providers have come up …
Information Security, even when is ushered rings bells in everyone’s mind. It is often taken in negative senses and is seen as a Show Stopper. But is it so? Why can’t we take a step forward to understand the term of Information Security and create a Business friendly definition of the same? What …
Personal computers being used by the users at their home are the worst affected machines when there is a virus or worm outbreak. These machines are not the actual targets. Infact these machines are the escape goats for the malicious users for using them for a bigger and more severe attack on the target. The …
Information Security today is Governed by Regulations, Standards, Guidelines and Industry Best Practices. They provide for frameworks, methodologies and approaches to attain Information Security baselines. Compliance to any of them is just meeting these baselines, but there is more to be done over and above the compliance. Compliance achievement is something that holds importance with …