Disintegration of Indus Valley Civilization

Just read an email forward with a source pointed to – Huge Ancient Civilization Collapse Explained The researchers have claimed to work a step towards Solving the Mystry of Indus Valley Civilization and tracing the reasons of its disintegration.  The scientists detailed their findings online May 28 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of … Read more

Healthcare System and Associated Malpractices

India, the Land of Culture, Heritage and Tradition is reeling under yet another malpractice that is becoming a nuisance day by day.  The malpractice that seldom sees the light of the day because the associated culprits are seen as the “Form of God”, the Doctors and the Medical Service Professional.  Indeed, there is the God … Read more

नमन है मेवाड़ के वीर को

अथक लडूंला अकबर स्यूँ उजड्यो मेवाड़ बसा द्यूंला, जद राणा रो संदेश गयो पीथळ री छाती दूणी ही, हिंदवाणों सूरज चमकै हो ये पंक्तियाँ महाराणा प्रताप की गौरव गाथा में लिखी कविता की हैं|  महाराणा प्रताप, सिसोदिया वंश के प्रतापी राजा थे, जिन्होंने मुग़ल साम्राज्य के सामने घुटने टेकने की जगह वन वन भटक मेवाड़ साम्राज्य को स्वतंत्र … Read more

Petrol Price Hike

So Finally the Petrol Price Hike is here and I guess most of you would have already read / heard the news.  And I am pretty much sure, similar to my tweet mentioning RIP Cars, a lot of expressions would be seen in coming days both in the cyber space and otherwise.  I already got … Read more

When He got Hit – 3

From the archives of my stories, Part three of the Story “When he got hit”.  This is purely a fiction and does not bear any relation to anyone dead or alive. 🙂 _________________________________________________________________________ Deepti was getting worried day by day as the frequency of the threat calls started increasing day by day and every time … Read more