Appeasement Politics & Virat Hindus

The whole Leftist, CONgress and Opposition Ecosystem is celebrating their 233 seats in the Loksabha 2024. But, we do see Modi 3.0 swearing in on June 9, 2024 and the Ministries being assigned.

The slow change in goal post is being seen for the Leftist Cabal Media as well as the SM Mouthpiece from Aam Aadmi Party, CONgress and the Muslim Social Media Influencers in India. The whole shift in Goal Post is again based on the Appeasement Politics and making Muslims feel alienated. The Appeasement Political Statement this time is around – “No Minority Minister in Modi 3.0”. The counter to that are the Hindus who all are falling prey to the Narrative by calling for Lack of Voting Percentage by Muslims for BJP and NDA at large.

While, I am fine with the Opposition and Leftist Cabal to be going with their narrative to make “Muslims” Dara Hua Crowd for not having Participation in the Government, I am Totally against calling for lack of Muslim Votes for BJP and NDA as a whole. This is just not an acceptable parameter for even Name Sake.

If you want to counter the Appeasement Politics, you have to step up and not call it otherwise. If you do that, you are certainly alienating the Muslims to the corner. And when Cornered, anyone would revolt.

I would like to highlight the Pendulums and the Virat Hindus who primarily are responsible for the Knee Jerk Reactions – Jaipur Dialogue, Virat Hindu Sena of Subramaniam Swamy of Swamilasa fame, Nageswara Rao IPS and likes are the ones who need to be reigned in better as they are more responsible for the downswing of the Votes. I wouldn’t be surprised to note that Subramaniam Swami would have been the responsible guy for the Loss of BJP in TN where Annamalai was all set to win.

What is needed as the first set to course correction is to stop getting under the influence of these larger than Dharma figures who call themselves Hindus or Sanatanis but in real life are the Demons who are all set to destabilise the Rashtra Yagya for Akhand Bharat.

More than the Appeasement Politics, it it the deflection caused by these Raita Wingers that has caused damage to the Voters mindset and that’s what costed us the Coalition Government. Now that we have a government in Center, we need to ensure we stay clear of all the Narratives and Don’t fall prey to the Narratives and cause bigger rifts that would be hard to fill