The Voicemail – Part II

Continued from Part I As Palash was switching between the Channels, he received a call on his Landline again. palash Looks over at the caller ID and finding unknown number, he lets it play on the Voicemail.  He was least interested in tending a call from the unknown caller at 10 in the night.  As … Read more

The Voicemail

It was the Friday evening, the start of weekend when Palash returned home tired after a long and hard day at work. He just put his laptop bag on the center table in his living room and threw himself on the sofa. His house help came with water and Coffee for him as he lay … Read more

The Rain

With the sound of thunder It is the drop of water Making the melodious music By wetting the eartern mosaic I woke up to the music this morning Not expeting the heat so scorching The rays of sun won't be burning It would be comfortable than chilling It such a nice and awesome feeling To … Read more

Twilight of Life

Why is life a puzzle unsolvedWhy is life mysteriously unresolvedWhy is life seriousness uncuredWhy is life labyrinth uncrossed Why is life so complicatedWhy is life so precipitatedWhy is life not as simpleWhy is life not as noble Why is there always a twilightWhy is there no correct sightWhy there is so much to fightWhy there … Read more