Ramdom Thoughts – Part 2

Stagnancy v/s Time to Move On Often in Life we come across situations and circumstances where we feel that we are getting stagnant. However, if we look around then its actually the time to Move On, keeping all that has made us stagnant and keeping all expectations aside. ———————————————————————– Expectations v/s Hopes Expectations are the … Read more

Decisions of Life

Decisions in our life are often subjected to the way the Social Setup would react. Not always but most of the times our decisions are based on what would the people around would talk about the happenings in our life.  I am not sure why we have to at times take adverse decisions than the … Read more

Random Thoughts – Part 1

Decisions  Sometimes some decisions are too hard to be taken as they shatter you. These are the tough decisions that you need to take by keeping yourself clear from the impact.  It’s Hard to do that, but for the benefits of those involved, you have to do it.  Such decisions are certainly not easy for … Read more

Relationship – Part I

Relations in human life are very important. Right from the childhood, the relations of mother, sister, father, brother, grandparents, cousins etc start impacting our life.  As we grow, we find ourselves surrounded with extended relations coming from the society and through our social circles. Some of these relations are with us from our birth and … Read more

Research Redefined

Not knowing the knowledgeis not the lack of knowledgebut knowing the known knowledgeis not the addition to the knowledgeso in search of the knowledgeit came to my little knowledgethat is to know the unknown is  the core of knowing the knowledge or the other way round – knowing the known knowledge is not the gain … Read more

Love v/s Lust

Love and Lust, the two facets of life.  Love the way it presents itself, is more divine and Lust the way it appears if more devilish.  But is that true?  For me I don’t think so, because Love in certain form leads to Lust or say, Love in certain forms is called Lust.  I guess … Read more

Tiger Conservation & Enchroachment

Tiger the National Animal of India and a declared endangered specie lives almost on the fringes of existence in the mainland India.  Poaching is something that had been haunting the existence of this Royal Specie for quite sometime.  But the nuances of Encroachment and conversion of the Forests to Agricultural Land have really created another level … Read more