Random Thoughts – Part 1

Sometimes some decisions are too hard to be taken as they shatter you. These are the tough decisions that you need to take by keeping yourself clear from the impact.  It’s Hard to do that, but for the benefits of those involved, you have to do it.  Such decisions are certainly not easy for oneself, but if they can bring happiness and smile to your loved ones, there is no harm in taking such steps.  After all, when you love someone, you need to be ready to sacrifice for them.
Love is something that had to be unconditional with none or least expectations. It’s better to have hopes than actually living with set expectations. You might love someone but its important that you are ready to forgo your love for that person. Love is not gaining back the love, but Love is getting to see your Loved Ones Happy.
Community and Community Leaders
A collective group of people driving and living their lives as per their understanding.  It is led by a set of people who have already lived the prime of their lives and now they want to control the way others live. The driving factor to decide what happens in your life is the Fellow Community Members and their thought process as is molded by the Community Leaders. 
A set of people who are by your side irrespective of your success or failures.  They are always around irrespective of your behavior with them.  They come as close as you try to push them away.
A set of people who are related to you by blood and they are the most nosy set of people when it comes to your life.  They are least bothered with what happens in their house, but are always interested in ensuring that they talk about your life and create disturbances in your life
Silly State of mind that is created by the illusion that you are not impacted by any of the above and that you live your life the way you want.  The fact is that your life is directed by the above factors and the above factors never lead to Happiness.
The most precious set of human beings who are by your side in all the circumstances and want to see you Happy all the times. They help you deal with your negatives and help you improvise on your positive aspects.  They live by you, for you and with you in all circumstances and are just concerned about your well being.  They sacrifice for you all their life without expecting anything in return. The most important and the most loved ones who always care for you irrespective of situations and circumstances.

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