Dark Days of Indian Politics

The first quarter of Modi 3.0 has been quite eventful. Evaluation of the duration after 10 years of Modi ji led BJP government is pretty interesting turnout. But the way Opposition has behaved in these 3 months is something more interesting. We saw them yet again attacking the Central Government for everything right from the … Read more

February 2016: Black Month of Indian Politics – Role of Media

The recent series of events in India that created a political storm are something that all seem to be well coordinated and well planned events. I was just trying to get through the overall set of incidents that all started on February 9 and are carrying on till date.  The media reports have all been … Read more

कॉंगेस का अधूरा सत्य

आज फेसबुक पर भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस (ई) द्वारा जारी एक चलचित्र (वीडियो) देखा जिसमें उन्होंने बड़ी सफाई से वर्तमान प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी को खलनायक बताया गया है। इस विडिओ में कांग्रेस ने श्री मोदी द्वारा कनाडा, जर्मनी एवं चीन में दिए गए भाषणो में से तथाकथित पन्तियाँ दर्शाई हैं जिनमें श्री मोदी ने पहले … Read more

Uttarakhand Floods and Aerial Survey Images

Though I don’t write much on the political scenario of the Country and do not write posts supporting or criticizing any specific political organization.  This time I was compelled with the way the facts were strewed by the various political outfits to create controversies around the aerial survey of Uttarakhand’s flood impacted regions by PM … Read more