Jammu & Kashmir – The Overturn of Nationalism

Jammu and Kashmir seems to have been getting the same old treatment as desired by the Separatists from almost 67 years now. Although the nationalists in India had thought that with the formation of BJP government in the center, may be the Good Fortune of J&K would be back and that J&K would see the same shine of the Sun again.  But alas!! BJP made the BIG mistake of acting Deaf, Dumb and Ignorant by Supporting PDP’s claim in constituting the Government in J&K.
Seems J&K’s plight is not yet over and it has a lot more misfortune in store from both political as well as diplomatic perspective.  The low of Indian Polity for J&K never seems to end, whenever we think ah how low can they stoop and the Indian Politicians shine with the craziest statement on J&K or act for that matter.
The most recent cases to this effect that rather proclaim the outrageous acts and that can be referred as attack on the sovereignty of the Democratic Republic of India are by None other than the new Chief Minister of J&K – Mufti Mohd. Sayeed.  The worst that I would say and the lowest level that a chief minister can stoop is not over if we go by the way his first statements were.  Mr. Mufti made a Thank You speech for the Pakistan’s Army, the Hurriyat and the Terrorists who as per him cooperated for peaceful elections in J&K.  Kudos to Mr. Mufti for forgetting the Indian Security Forces both Civilian and Armed forces who pushed those idiots on the back foot.  Kudos to Mr. Mufti to have cleared his intentions once again.  
Then came in the second wonderful step by Mr. Mufti where he ordered release of a Hardline Separatist.  Certainly, why wouldn’t he do that when he is the CM of the State.  He certainly wouldn’t be able to have another abduction of his daughter orchestrated and then take a bad name to have 5 dreaded terrorist released for safe home coming of that daughter.  It would be better to release the separatists without going through that drama. Ah and yes, that would ensure that the movements being orchestrated by Kashmiri Pandits for Panun Kashmir would certainly get push back as Hurriyat would be more powerful with the release of one of their dreaded mastermind.
BJP, for that matter seems to be sitting there as a blind duck who would only do some quack quack here and some quake quack there to try and garner support from the people.  Seems like even though they lost the elections in Delhi, they have not been able to understand that if they need to be the mainstream party with control on the governance of this country, they need to also have good hold in the governance of each and every state of this country.  Just because person x or person y has his or her whims and fancies, the BJP as the party shouldn’t lose its focus of One India One Country and ONE LAW.  There can’t be separate treatment of states with some states enjoying VIP status as for the whims and fancies of some elites.
The country today needs to stand up in unity against the words and actions of Mr Mufti and the Central Government needs to ensure that the idiosynchronous activities are kept in check. Mr. Mufti is one of those guys in the Indian Political Circuits who can’t be trusted at all for his National (dis)interests.

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