Need to install Cell Phone Jammers in Prisons/Jails

With the advent of communication technology the world has been benefited a lot but there has been a flipside to it.  The Underworld, Anti-social elements and others of the same cadres have been using the communication technology to their benefit in much better a way than the society in general.  For them the Mobile-phones as well as Satellite phones have provided a new way of controlling their teams across the geography irrespective of their own locations including the jails / prisons.
Though the rules state that Mobile Phones etc are not allowed for anyone who is behind the bars, we have often heard that the use of Mobile Phones is wide-spread among the High Profile Prisoners.  How do they get these devices in prisons/jails in something that have always been talked about and is a no brainer with the visitors being allowed or with the involvement of corrupt officials.
So what is the way out? How do we control use of devices or how do we break this communication channel?  There are two options to it – 
  1. Strict Vigilence on Jail inmates and their visitors
  2. Install Jammers to Jam signals within Jails.
Though Option 1 would be a good step, but then with the involvement of corrupt officials, the purpose would always be defeated. Had it worked, we would not be having the problem of remote executions.
Option 2 is the only viable option that I see at this time.  Installing Jammers would ensure that the Range of Mobile Signals is not available in the Jails / Prisons and that would curtail this issue to quite an extent.  But, will it solve the problem, I believe not 100% as there are other areas where those serving the sentence are taken and where they can use the devices to their benefits.
What the Prison/Jail authorities would have to do is to ensure that the prisoners are frisked before they are taken to such places as well as ensure that the option to install Jammers at such places is evaluated.  For instance if the Prisoners are being taken to a Query as part of Operations, then the area needs to be cordoned off with security fence and Jammers must be installed to wipe off any chances of getting mobile signal coverage….
I really appreciate the step that has already been taken up by the Govt of West Bengal to install Jammers at its facility, at least they have taken a step towards this.  And I really hope that this step by Govt of West Bengal would encourage other state Governments to take similar steps. Specifically the Govt of Delhi to install Jammers at Prisons in Delhi, Govt. of Maharashtra to install them at Prisons in Mumbai, Pune and Thane where the high profile prisoners are housed.
It is the need of time to take this step and Central Cabinet Security Cell must release a notification to this effect giving blanket approval to the State Governments to take this step forward.
We know that Communication is key to success and if we break the communication, the execution would break in itself. So its time to break the communication channel for ensuring that the Criminal Activities specifically of Crime against Nation are curtailed……

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