Insensitive Ideology – Demand to Boycott Republic Day

Post the recent incidents of Gang Rapes, Murders and the public outrage, there had been various thoughts and demands or say propositions from various quarters. One such demand or say protest proposition has been to boycott the Republic Day Celebrations on January 26.  But how sane is that demand or the proposition as part of the protest?  It rather is a direct insult to those thousands of Brave Soldiers who stand at the border of the country at treacherous heights, varying temperatures ranging from -60 to +50 degrees Celsius.  Why don’t the people think twice before they come up with such suggestions or such demands?  Why do we want to dishonor the brave sons of soil who toil to ensure that our Country remains secure from any external threat?
I understand that when such suggestions float, the masses just are thinking at the internal elements, relating the celebrations to the Political and Administrative Functionaries.  But, is that right?  Just look at the Celebrations that involve the respect and the honor that is bestowed on the Gallant Officers and Security Forces.  There is lot more to the Celebrations on the Day when India was declared a Sovereign, Socialist, Democratic Republic.  The Celebrations are not by the Government, For the Government and of the Government. But the Celebrations are for the People, by the People and of the People respecting the Armed Forces of India that keep its boundaries Safe and Secure.
If there needs to be any boycott, then boycott the Police Day Parade and Function, as they are responsible for enforcing Law and Order in the Country.  If you want to Protest and Boycott as well as Lead these Protests, please tell the leaders who are bestowed with Padma Shree, Padma Bhushan and Pdma Vibhushan to return the medals and other tags associated with the titles back to the GOI.  The Protests must include mass return and rejection of these titles.If you wt to Protest, then please wear Black Bands on your arm demanding enforcement of Law and Order and demanding Justice to the Women at Large.
I am shocked at the way the Boycott the Republic Day Drive is being discussed and suggested across the quarters….. Please there are other things to Boycott.  Boycott the New Year Day Celebration and Do Not Celebrate a Festival for next one year or till law and order prevails.  But, I don’t think so that people who are asking to Boycott the Republic Day Celebrations would ever indulge in such activities that would hit their personal celebrations. Would You Stop watching movies or stop going to the Award Ceremonies?  Yeah answer is No.  Why didn’t these people think of Boycotting the Cine Awards coming up in January, or the similar other functions??
Please, You have no right to insult the Bravado of the Sons of Soil by Boycotting Republic Day…..Its highly insensitive!!!!!!

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