Anna Hazare and Fight to Corruption

I had just been following the Fast Unto Death as started by Shri Anna Hazare and the developments thereof.  Its bizarre that people in support have started with Chain Fast or Relay Fast.  I mean you go all out to support Shri Anna Hazare, then work on the lines he has been trying to fight the government.  I mean his protest is against the corruption and for the Jan Lokpal Legislation that needs to be passed and enacted as a Regulation instituting the Office of Jan Lokpal.  

If I look at the Motive Behind Shri Hazare’s movement, he want an end to corruption and what as a common man can we do to support him?  Certainly somewhere in the downstream of the corruption, we as the people of India are the main reason as well as the cause.  Its us the People of India who are ready to bribe the officials to get our work done or to skip penalties / fines that may be levied on us.  Its us the people of India who have been tolerating the corruptions as lower levels that has now come back to us as a BEHEMOTH.  

I have been hearing the news channels abuzz, following twitter world discussions and reading the online forums with regards to Fast by Shri Hazare, and all of them are just beating the same trumpet of support Shri Hazare.

I say Support by Actions and not just by imitating.  Move ahead and take a vow to never pay a single penny as bribe, reporting any such officer who demands bribe and report any such incident where misappropriation of funds is happening.  All these things start from the Grass root level and happen a lot around us.  the KARTA’s slowly move ahead and become the chain in the bigger scams at bigger levels.  Just look around the history of any of the politician involved in the scams, and you would find that they started somewhere from our neighborhood.

I have had never paid a single penny as bribe, and vow to never do that in my life, Would you say Aye and Join me…then it would be the real support to Shri Hazare.  Chain Fast or Relay Fast is nothing but a Gimmick….to please your own ego rather than the support.

1 thought on “Anna Hazare and Fight to Corruption”

  1. Mayank,

    U have rightly said this.. Actually I am appalled at our fellow citizens..They do not follow any law framed by the lawmakers for our safety and never try to go by the rule when it comes to their benefits, and never blink an eyelid when a corrupt official asks them some money to get their works done…Anna Hazare should have said that the corruption starts from our own selves rather than blaming the politicians for this jhamela


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