Kashmir – The (non)-Issue – Part II

Continuing from my previous post Kashmir – the (non)-Issue I would like to throw some light on the history of Jammu and Kashmir.  It’s indeed pretty interesting as I was contacted offline in many discussions where the History of Jammu and Kashmir was sighted to me, various articles were sighted by various Enlightened acquaintances, colleagues and few other contact of contacts… Though none of them had concrete facts with themselves on that and none of them could convince me on that stuff.  I thought of writing down another part, but then thought I might be overreacting.  But today an article was forwarded to me where India was shown in bad light over the issues of J & K and Junagad.  Though the article is from a famous international magazine, but had facts missing from it.  This is when I thought that the facts are to come out (though they are already there in the Public Domain, I thought of reproducing them).  So read on – 

The first mention of Kashmir dates back to almost 3000 year BC, yes I do mean during the Mahabharat Era.  Since then till almost 12th century AD, Kashmir was ruled by Hindu Rulers and the various mentions that we can find around in the books of History are – 
  1. King Sandiman – 2629-2564 BC
  2. King Sunder Sen – 2082 – 2041 BC
  3. King Nara – 1048 -1008 BC
  4. Mauryan Dynasty – around 3rd Century BC with the Shrinagari (ancient Name of Srinagar,) was founded by King Ashoka (Shrinagari was founded near the then Ancient Capital Pandhrenatha)
  5. Kushan Dynasty – 1st and 2nd century AD, Name of Huvishka & Kanishka are a must mention as the dynasty and these names had good imprints on the state with the names like Hushkora and Kanispora that were derived from the names of Huvishka and Kanishka
  6. Lalitaditya Dynasty – 7th Century AD when the Sun Temple was built and the City of Pharihaspura was formed. 
  7. King Ajatapida – 813 – 850 AD, Pampore was founded then
  8. King Avantivarman – 855 – 883 AD, Built the town of Avantipur
  9. King Shankaravarman – 883 – 902 AD, Built Shankarapura-Pattan (now known as Patttan)
  10. King Jayasim – 1128 – 1149 AD
  11. Mid 12th Century AD – First Muslim Invasion
  12. 1322 AD Turks Invade Kashmir
  13. 1394 – 1416 AD, Sikander attacks Kashmir and and brings in Mass Conversion to Islam, post this only 11 Hindu Families were left in Kashmir……
  14. 1540 – Mirz Haider Invades Kashmir and the territory is annexed to Mughal Empire..
  15. Maharaja Ranjit Singh – 1810 – 1820 AD and appointed Gulab Singh to Rule Kashmir.
  16. Anglo Sikh War and Battle of Saboran take place around 1845 AD, and is followed by 2 treaties between Maharaja Gulab Singh and Henry Lawrence.  The Present State was created with ‘The Treaty of Amritsar” taking effect on March 16, 1846.
So, we can for sure see who ruled the state and where the historic facts point us too.  Kashmir thus was part of India right from the time it was known as “Aryavart”.  If there are still doubts and confusions about the history beyond 1846 till 1947, please let me know and the Part III of this series will help throw more light with more facts.
Thanks to the Book by Narendra Sehgal – “Memorial of Mistakes – Converted Kashmir, A Bitter Saga of Religious Conversion”.

2 thoughts on “Kashmir – The (non)-Issue – Part II”

  1. Just in,

    One of my Dear friend and colleague sent me an update on the Chronology of events and successions in case of Kashmir – here it goes –

    ON your Kashmir Chronology of Event Veer Ji Wangoo
    In 713 Emperor of Kashmir, Chandrapeed, defeated Mohd. Bin Qasim. Second time Emperor Lalitaditya defeated the Arab Chietain, Hisham, in 724 and finally in 754 one Arab Chieftain, Kalif Mansoor !

    Arab invasions were repulsed by Kashmiris for 400 years till Rinchen back-stabbed !


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