Hockey World Cup – Shivendra suspended for 3 matches, team appeals against it

I want you to take a look at : Shivendra suspended for 3 matches, team appeals against it

My take on this case –

I saw the incident during the match and then repeated footage also, I find it a genuine case of what a hockey player would call it as – An Accidental incident. I think Read read a little too much in the whole issue and went a little too harsh on the case. There if we see the whole footage time and again, we will find that it was an effort on part of Shivendra Singh to run faster and in the effort he picked up the stick in both hands. Yes that’s a natural reaction in the momentum of the game. I am saying so because I myself had been a hockey player. If a player wants to run faster than the opponent to reach the ball, it is natural instinct to hold the stick in both hands so a to avoid toppling over one’s own stick.

I guess Read needs to be sent for some good Hockey Coaching Classes

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