Poking someone’s Pain Area – You ain’t any help!!!!

I have come across two sets of people – one who like to share there pain and lessen the burden and others who don’t like to share, but cover it up with their smile. The first one’s surely like to get over their issues / problems / pain areas by talking them out, but it is the second types who are quite sensitive towards their pain area. They are the one’s with whom it’s quite important or rather essential to be very careful not to touch their issues and pain areas. If they do not talk, its better to keep away from their problems and pain areas. One should not even try to get cozy and say things like “Hey what is it that you hiding behind that smile???….I know you quite stressed” and so on and so forth….

One needs to be understanding that if a person doesn’t like to speak about something or if the person doesn’t want to talk about it, one must not unnecessarily poke at the wrong point. The incident might not be fresh in a person’s mind but well it is certain that it is in the back of the mind and may be doesn’t trouble that person much and we find that person to be quite outgoing or quite a nice company…whatsoever!!!! But however close we get to that person, we need to maintain a safe distance from his / her pain areas that are hidden in that person’s memory lane. We should not try and sneak in once heart…It could be painful for the person as well as the relation strains with them.

However, my opinion is – “We must abstain from poking on someone’s pain area/s, unless the person come over and feels comfortable talking about it….Otherwise we are certainly trying to dent our image with the person and also spoil the jovial nature of that person


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