Adieu Mumbai – By a Mumbaiker

Sunday July 1, 2007 went as another milestone date for me, the day my another instinct at Mumbai ended. I Left Mumbai for yet another journey, that I know would conclude at Mumbai only.

Mumbai the way it is for many more has the same place in my life, I started my career in Pune, but then the growth path lead me to Mumbai. Mumbai the City of Dreams, the City that Never Sleeps. The City that makes Millionaires out of Dirts and the City that converts Millions in Dirts.

The day would be yet another mark in my life to yet once again say adieu to Mumbai, and unlike couple of time earlier, when I had ditched saying adieu to Mumbai, this time I have to for sure as the growth path is telling me to do so.

Well I am sayed Adieu to Mumbai only for starting the journey that would once again end at Mumbai only 🙂 Yes Mumbai holds that space in my heart that No Other city does…except for my hometown.

Signing Out with Love to all the Mumbaiites here #:D# to my sweet Mumbaiker friends…..Ane me parat Yenaar Mumbai….aamchi Mumbai ane me Mumbaiker 🙂


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