Open Letter to PM Modi – Modi 3.0

Below Post is Original Words and Articles by Rupa Murthy (X @rupamurty1). This has been reproduced on this Blog word by word with Due Permission from Her. Please do not consider this as Plagiarism.

Dear BJP and PM Modi,

As an ardent supporter of BJP ideology, here are my suggestions;

1. Please revamp the IT cell. Add a sub-unit that solely focuses on fact-checking, A unit that focuses on ensuring every new policy, every new reform reaches majority of the social media users, in a language that is simple to understand. A unit that primarily focuses on countering “misleading narrative setters” on social media, digital and print media. Another unit must focus on simply keeping the people informed on things pertaining to the party/Nation.

2. Prep the party leaders when new policies are implemented or introduced, so that they are informed if & when questioned by public.

3. Please pay attention to the sentiments and mood of the people, especially your supporters, when some major atrocity/crime happens. A word of condolence, sincere assurance to get justice to the victims, will go a long way. Taking to the media to wish speedy recovery when an actor gets injured, but staying silent when a Sadhu is lynched by a mob, will never sit well with your supporters and rightly so.

4. Please refrain from going overboard on talking about uplifting backward castes. Showing excessive concern for one particular caste, while not addressing the concerns of those that belong to the general category has created some resentment. Do what you must to uplift the citizens, but including general category in your upliftment programs will have a positive impact.

5. Whenever violence breaks out, be it in West Bengal or be it in Rajasthan or any state for that matter, your supporters would like to see you taking decisive and strict measures immediately. Your supporters want to know what is happening, what measures are being taken to contain the situation, to protect the public. It is extremely frustrating when BJP leaders instead of updating people on the situation, and on the action being taken by the government, are busy outraging on social media and pointing fingers at the state governments, and the violence continues unabated. In short, we don’t want to see you playing the victim, we want to see you as the commander fighting to curb the evil.

6. Please ensure your leaders don’t alienate the Sangh, Bajrang Dal or any Sanatani outfits that are generally liked and supported by your core voter base. Calling Vocal Sanatanis who are defending the BJP, our dharma, as fringe elements in public will never appeal to your supporters.

7. Your core voters fight for you, for the party, for the ideology day in and day out. They are your first line of defence. When you implement a policy, they work very hard to educate the public about it, they defend the policies, they fight with opposition and many a times risk their own safety for you, for the party. After all that, when the government succumbs to opposition pressure and withdraws the policy, it comes as a resounding slap to those who defended you on that policy. Eg: Farmers Bill/Farmers protests.

8. You have innumerable karyakartas who are educated, informed, articulate, intelligent, and bold. Please consider recruiting new people from such a pool, give sincere and well meaning people a chance. They may not always be “Yes-men” but they certainly will be your well-meaning, well-intentioned loyal people.

My suggestions come from a good place PM @narendramodi Ji, however blunt it may be. We all love you, we respect you, we support you, and we want to see you taking Bharat to greater heights.

You maybe not be a dictator, even though the opposition believes you are, so atleast pretend to be one for God’s Sake!