Ghost Writers of my Country

Kashmir has been the epic problem that the Indian Union is trying to solve from last almost 6 decades, but thanks to Pakistan to have been able to keep alive the sessions of terrorism in the Kashmir Valley.  Also, the so called intellects and the Ghost Writers of Creative Indian Fraternity have been supporting the cause of Pakistan (knowingly or unknowingly is left to their conscious).  Just recently one of the famous young politician of India – Jyotiraditya Scindia had made a bold statement in Parliament – “We should stop blaming only Pakistan and look within us!!” Well I totally agree with him and after listening to my friend Veer – A Kashmiri Pandit on Youtube, I tend to agree with Mr. Scindia more and more.
I had already tweeted following in agreement of Mr. Scindia – 
  1. agreed, so let’s unanimously agree that Keeping Sardar Patel away from #Kashmir issue was the biggest fault
  2. Article 370 is the second big mistake we own from the point of view of #Kashmir and this needs to be eradicated
  3. #Kashmir issue needs to expand to #GilgitBaltistan along with #POK and the state of #JammuKashmir.
  4. both PDP and National Conference must be barred from elections and any political referendum
  5. Bar Hurriyat as Anti National organization, just like SIMI and other terrorist outfits
However, after listening to Veer and the pain that emerges in his words and his voice, I was pushed to add the following points to look internally (yeah before blaming Pakistan) –

  1. Refine the guidelines for media houses to speak on the various topics – 
    1. They for now raise topics in a fashion that defines a terrorist as martyr and creates a wave of sympathy towards terrorism
    2. Provides fuel to the leftist agenda causing more uproar against the government, certainly to hinder the overall government work and create a ruckus on the name of “Freedom of Speech”
    3. Provide more fuel to the Government officials and Politicians in Pakistan on the way “India is acting against the general will of its public”. Hell no, Media doesn’t define the general will, its the opinion of the columnist only.
    4. Create a negative impression on the India as a country with representation through negative statements against the Government
  2. Refine the guidelines for the creative writers who tend to be Big time Socialites and Experts on various topics. Excuse me on this, I tend to totally disagree and the live example of that is Shobhaa De.A creative writer can’t always provide solutions to real life problem and specifically Kashmir, hell no.
So, let’s look at the role of Shobhaa De on Kashmir, she is a self proclaimed expert on Kashmir issue with half baked knowledge of the same. She herself doesn’t know the way the issue crept up and is known to profess referendum in Kashmir. My question to her and all the likes of her is – “Why should referendum be conducted without fulfilling the base requirements for conducting referendum?”

More so, do the likes of Shobhaa De and other’s like Rajdeep Sardesai, Rahul Kanwal, Rana Ayyub, Barkha Dutt, Sagarika Ghoshe etc even know that the Problem of Kashmir involves larger areas of Gilgil Baltistan rather than just the POK and J&K?? Do they even have a idea that Pakistan has given only a small portion to Kashmiris and called that as Azad Kashmir and swallowed a larger portion of Gilgit Baltistan within its territories to enable easy access to trade with China. Pakistan even went ahead to gift a portion of the Kashmir territory to China, now is this known and acceptable to these Pseudo Intellects??

Asking for referendum as per UN resolution is easy, but there is a strict need for them to go ahead and read the full resolution that includes –
  1. Pakistan to demilitarize and stop offensive tactics from the entire Kashmir region including J&K, POK and Gilgit Baltistan
  2. India to reduce military presence in J&K to ensure that it matches the positive development by Pakistan
  3. Conduct referendum in the entire region not just J&K to ensure that the results are well balanced and represent 100% of the population to be considered and not just a few
It is also interesting to look at the overall composition of the region where the actual fraction creating and participating in the trouble making exercise is only around 35% to 40% of the entire population. And this fraction is said to be Sunni Muslim population. Shiites are said to have stayed away from participating in this controversy and have mostly condemned atrocities on Shias in Pakistan.

Moreover, the Pseudo Intellects to the likes of mentioned above also need to understand that Kashmir as a region has other religions and sects (namely Bodhha, Gujjars, Kashmiri Pandits, Mons etc) than just Sunni Muslims (who apparently get funding from ISI to terrorize the region).

These pseudo intellects also need to Read and be informed that Indian Army has captured 2 terrorists alive and they are of Pakistani Origin in just last 2 days or so. These terrorists have nothing to do with kashmir, they are just mercenaries to join the terrorist outfit for 72 virgins in the heaven (though they are hardly destined for that area).

May the Peace Prevail in the region!!!

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