Kashmir Unrest – Speculations

Kashmir unrest after the terrorist Burhan Wani was shot down by Indian Forces rocked the region and unfolded the political drama over Kashmir Situation.  Hurriyat called for Kashmir bandh and what followed after that is known to us all.  Now, since Kashmir is certainly my interest area from always and I have always been following the developments in Kashmir, I went into a few details around the problem and what I stumbled upon are a few tweets by Mr. Omar Abdullah that raised a few questions in my mind. So let’s first refer the tweets – 
So, looking at these tweets and the series there on, the primary question that cropped up was -“Is Mr. Abdullah really showing a concern or is sending an indirect / hidden message across on what needs to be done?” Other supplementary points/questions – 
  1. Was he favoring Burhan Wani by stating his social media activities didn’t have any militancy incident attributed, when we could all see what all was posted by him???
  2. What does he mean by saying “Burhan won’t be the last to Pick the gun??” is he hinting that somewhere he supports youth picking up the gun?? Did he ever think what he said and what effect it is to bring on the young minds??
  3. Kashmir for certain is not a Political Problem.  It is a problem of Alter egos starting from his Grand Father.  Now, does he have those guts to go and tell Pakistan to act per UN resolution to demilitarize Kashmir – and that certainly should include the LONG forgotten Gilgit Baltistan area also and not just Pakistan Occupied Kashmir…
  4. His July 9th tweet is directly a sign of his support to militancy and separatist thoughts he harbors. In death of Burhan Wani he declares that Kashmir got a new Icon….This certainly call for questioning his creditability!!!
  5. His tweet on Burhan’s ability to recruit from Grave…..fuels the separatist idea and clearly indicates that he is openly supporting recruitment by terror outfits on the name of Burhan Wani.
There are more tweets that can be referred to on his twitter page and they are equally mind boggling statements.  Mr. Omar Abdullah has not acted in the interest of Kashmir or the Nation. He has, from his work raised the temperatures in the Valley and has fueled Militancy mindset by his words as I decipher the above posted tweets.  Apparently if we map his top two tweets in the two pictures, they are more or less contradicting each other and shows how destabilized his own mind was with the death of Burhan Wani.  Seems like he lost a dear one…
Lot of more speculations can be generated for such a weird behavior by a person at that position in the Political Circles of Kashmir!!!

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