War Heroes and the Blind Government

Received another Comment from a Reader for my previous post “Sad State of Affairs for Family of Lance Nayak Albert Ekka”. The Comment itself qualifies more as a Separate Post.  This post belongs to You my Dear Friend and Reader.  Thanks for helping me continue my work though the sentiments and thoughts are your.

Have been reading up the updates that you have been posting on the efforts of the Indian Army as well as those about the apathy of the Indian Government and this is just another in the series…
Indian Army should take pride in the fact that its not just the courage of the soldier here that counts but the courage of a mother who is willing to sacrifice her child for the country… For her the Nation holds more importance than herself or her family… 
When war strikes, it does not do so on land, air or water, but in the hearts of those mothers who have borne these soldiers and by not acknowledging their sacrifice for the country the Indian Government simply shows its apathy towards these brave mothers… और शायद हर मुल्क के हर वासी के लिए माता पूजनीय होती है???तो क्या यह माताएं कुछ अलग हैं??
This is just one case that reached the media… what about those who don’t even have that option… Some are awarded gallantry awards with all pomp and show at the Republic day in full view of the Nation… what happens thereafter to those families – the wives, mothers, daughters, sisters?? What about those who go untraced??? No one is freaking bothered here… There are many soldiers who may not have died at the war but have died in abject poverty leaving a struggling family behind… 
Why is it that the Soldiers of the Armed forces and their families are given all kinds of special treatments and facilities; discounts; food, clothing, beverages, allowances; higher salaries; residential quarters, than the civilians for parallel positions, but the same soldiers and their families are forgotten as soon as they sacrifice their lives for the Nation?? Isn’t it the duty of the same armed force to make sure that the families are not lost and forgotten??
शहादत हुई नसीब उन्हें एक अनजान दुश्मन को गिरा…
पर मौत तब आई जब जिन दोस्तों के लिए लड़े वो ही छोड़ चले…
They won the “War” against the unknown enemy… but lost another “War” to a known friend… The Indian Government!!

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