Sad State of Affairs for Family of Lance Nayak Albert Ekka

Soul of Lance Nayak Albert Ekka, who was awarded the highest war time gallantry award (posthumously) for ensuring that the Enemy bites the dust in 1971 war, must crying in pain today.  He has a cross road named after him in Ranchi for his war time heroics in 1971 war where he along with his company had exposed the enemy flanks by capturing bunker after bunker and silencing light and medium machine guns that might have inflicted casualties to his company.
However, naming the cross road doesn’t help the family, they still need to feed themselves and the Indian Government is such that years after promising 5 Acre land to the family of Paramveer Albert Ekka, they are still fighting for the survival.  Read the Article as published in Hindustan, Ranchi – 
What can be more shameful that the government is not even inclined to help the family of the Soldier who sacrificed for the honor of the country.  What would be more shameful for the country to honor sportsmen and politicians when the Families of the defenders of the country lie in such shattered state.  All around the country, we fight for our rights and our requirements, but can’t we rise to fight for the family who is suffering?  Would these news get published on some page of some newspaper in some remote corner of the country and that’s it?  Would media rather than chasing the Masala news, like to highlight these sort of plights?
I read this news on Facebook and trust me, didn’t even dare to read the comments, because the comments would have been written either cursing the government or sympathizing with the family, but would anyone raise up and shake the system, No.  Same goes with my blog, but I hope that some influential personality would read this and get the requisite help to the family.
This news raises a lot of questions, some of them have been raised above, but still What would be the outcome of this?  Would Family get its rights on the Land that was allotted to them?

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