Destiny of Love – Part IV – Final Part

If you have not read the Part I, Part II and Part III please read them at –

Words From Thoughts: Destiny of Love – Part I
Words From Thoughts: Destiny of Love – Part II
Words From Thoughts: Destiny of Love – Part III

Nishant was operated and his face was reconstructed, his eyes were operated and that ensured that he could see and he started with Physiotherapy to get strength back in his body.  He was quite happy to see Sonal by his side.  Dr Simran and Hari were also helping them in the ways they could and Sonal had a family away from her own family in form of Dr Simran and Hari Batra.  Soon Nishant also shifts to their house and shows all the more improvements excluding his speech.

But one fine day wen Hari was out of town and Dr. Simran and Sonal were at Work, Nishant simply vanishes from home.  The House Maid calls up Dr. Simran and tells her that Nishant is missing.  Dr Simran informs Sonal and they rush out to first lodge a Missing Compliant with Police and then reach home to understand from the House Maid about the things that were pre-cursers to Nishant’s disappearing act.

As they reach home, they see Hari sitting with Nishant and Nishant telling him by the way of gestures that “He is not worth to be the life partner of Sonal, he knows that Sonal loves him a lot, but he does not want to spoil her life and that’s why he wanted to just disappear from the scene.  He does not want to trouble her for life as he wudn be able to see her in pain with his disability.”

As Nishant completes his explanation in Sign language, Sonal walks to him and tells him back in Sign language “I love you and I know your Speech will take time to be back, but I am not worried about that.  To ensure that you don’t feel that you will not be able to explain your points to me, I have started learning the sign language and this is just for I love you.” Nishant gets up and hugs her as Dr. Simran and Hari look on while holding each other’s hand.

I hope you people would have liked the story.
please do let me know how did you like the story…….

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