Bharat – Drop Colonial Legacy

With the recent G20 invite sent out on the name of President of Bharat, a new controversy has started – Narendra Modi led Govt is going to rename “India” as Bharat. After following this up for the entire day, it so seems that both the opposition parties as well as News Channels are sort of creating a controversy.

Let’s look at the aspect from the past, including the Vedic Scriptures –

  1. Vishnu Puran states in Sanskrit –
    • “उत्तरम यत् समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम।
    • वर्ष तद् भारतम नाम भारती यत्र संतति:॥
    • When we translate that in English, its states – The Land to the north of the Ocean and south of Himalaya is known as Bharat while the people living there are called Bhartiya (भारतीय)
  2. Coming back to the new age when the Constitution as adopted in it’s preamble clearly states –
    • भारत का संविधान
    • हम भारत के लोग
    • भारत को एक संपूर्ण प्रभुत्व-संपन्न
  3. Even the Passport of the Nation reads – भारत गणराज्य
  4. The National Anthem of the country has “भारत भाग्य विधाता” (fate bearers of Bharat)
  5. The oath as we see as Citizen of the country, we always had –
    • भारत हमारा देश है, हम सब भारतवासी भई बहन हैं, हमें अपना देश प्रणों से प्यारा है (Bharat is our nation, we the residents of Bharat are brothers and sisters, we love our country more than our life)
  6. Even the PM’s Aircraft off recently had a change with भारत (Bharat) on the left, National Emblem in the middle and India on the Right
  7. Even the Indian National Congress has stated itself as “भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कॉंग्रेस” in Hindi

So, when I read the headings on tweets and videos “Is Govt renaming India to Bharat?” or similar, and the opposition trolling the Government as well as criticizing the government on this move. I am like if we look at the points above, what is the problem on the aspect of using the name Bharat for the Nation that we live in?

Shouldn’t we be dropping the colonial legacy emboldened by the name “India” as was given to the Nation by the Invaders and enchrochers to the Country?