Hindutva – Ideology or Way of Life

With the recent turn of events where 40 US universities were identified as supporting a conference of Elite Educated set of folks who labelled the conference as “Dismantling Global Hindutva” aka DGH. The foremost to publicize it was the (in)famous educator from Rutgers University Newark Campus Dr. Audrey Trusche. Someone who is known to be … Read more

Motive for Elections 2024

In my recent outing in Delhi and allied areas where I was out to understand the pulse of the people specifically of Delhi, I identified that the people in Delhi were more interested in getting better education, better facilities and better services. It was interesting to note that they were more inclined to see Sh. … Read more

Elections 2024 – Know Your Choice

With the completion of 10 years by BJP government in May 2024, the country is going to get in the election mode from March 2nd week and the Election commission will enforce Model Code of Conduct. However, the run up to the elections has already started and the political parties, be it National or regional, … Read more

Conversion Mafia in Bharat

From ages, Bharat has been a thorn in the bush for the Westerners for the rich culture and heritage kept Sanatan alive from their effort to concur the residents of Bharat. Both Islamic Invaders and Christian Missionaries failed miserably in Bharat to convert the population to those religions. While Christianity could spread from Middle East … Read more

Apple iPhone Security Alert

As we witnessed in last couple of days, the way Opposition Leaders in Bharat made hue and Cry over the Apple Security Alert on probable State Sponsored Hacking, it was a real comic time for those who have been working the Information Security field. Some of the message as they stemmed down from the “Educated … Read more

Bharat – Drop Colonial Legacy

With the recent G20 invite sent out on the name of President of Bharat, a new controversy has started – Narendra Modi led Govt is going to rename “India” as Bharat. After following this up for the entire day, it so seems that both the opposition parties as well as News Channels are sort of … Read more

शरणार्थियों की राजनीति

अफगानिस्तान में तालिबान द्वारा एक बार फिर से सत्ता हथियाने के बाद जो भगदड़ मची है, उससे भारत में राजनीतिक एवं पत्रकारिता की आग से रोटी सेकने वालों को जैसे जीवनदान ही मिल गया है। अत्यंत रोचक प्रश्न एक बार फिर से हमारे सामने है कि ऐसे तथाकथित बुद्धिजीवी फिर से एक बार भारत को … Read more

Torrid Times of Covid

It has already been a year from the time the world was shaken up by the Pandemic caused by Wuhan Virus or what we know as the Covid19. Over the period of last year plus, we saw various variants impacting various geographies, but the most startling one has been reported from India with double mutation … Read more

भारतीय शिक्षण समस्या

विगत कुछ महीनो से मैं भारत के अभिभावकों के विडीओ देख रहा था जिसमें वे अपने बच्चों के स्कूल की फ़ीस को ले कर चिंतित दिख रहे थे एवं अपनी चिंता व्यक्त कर रहे थे। किंतु क्या ये अभिभावक यथास्तिथि से अवगत हैं कि उनके बच्चे भाए ही स्कूल में ना पढ़ रहे हों, किंतु … Read more

सनातन इतिहास – पौराणिक कथाएँ

यदि कभी आप कुछ प्रस्तुत कर रहे हैं एवं आपने उसपर शोध किया है तो यह आवश्यक नहीं है कि आपने सम्पूर्ण जानकारी एकत्रित कर ली है। आपका शोध अत्यंत सराहनीय है, किंतु इसका यह अर्थ नहीं है कि आप किसी द्वारा विनीत/ निवेदित संदेश तो अनदेख कर दें। भरतिया इतिहास पर कई पक्ष हैं … Read more