Apple iPhone Security Alert

As we witnessed in last couple of days, the way Opposition Leaders in Bharat made hue and Cry over the Apple Security Alert on probable State Sponsored Hacking, it was a real comic time for those who have been working the Information Security field.

Some of the message as they stemmed down from the “Educated Politicians” can be referred as below –

Now, when we look at the specific feature of Apple’s iPhone, the State Sponsored Breakin Attempt/ Hacking alert was activated in November 2021. From then to now, this alert has been sent out to Apple iPhone users in 150 Countries or so. However, it is only in Bharat that “State Sponsored Attackers” have been attributed to the Government of Bharat. However, they conveniently forgot the point that in the new age of Information warfare, State Sponsored Attackers could be from the rival countries who would want to obtain sensitive data from their official email IDs. Though one of the prominent Member of Parliament has gone to the limit of sharing the Password of their official email with their partners.

The more you delve deeper in the controversy created by the So called educated Members of Parliament as well as Opposition Leaders, more it shows how naive and uneducated they are in this age of Cyber Espionage. They even went to the level of attributing the responsibility of Securing their data on their phone on the Government of Bharat. How funny!!

Those who work neck deep in the Information Security Arena know it very well that it is not the best of the solutions and technologies, but the worst of the follower of Information Security Principles who cause the breach. The Government or any Information Security Agency or Consultant can only educate, provide warning signals, provide “Dos and Don’ts” as inputs to the users of technology. But if the users would simply go ahead and click on any Phish or Bait email link, they will be responsible for the results on their Phones or other technological devices. More so, if a Member of Parliament has already shared official Email password with anyone else, then they have already cause the first line breach and they need ot be disciplined first. As a First offender, in the corporate world, the person would have to undergo Performance Improvement Plan, a repeat offender is handed over a pink slip.

Conclusion is simple, some feature as enabled triggered an Alert and clearly stated that this could be a “False Alarm” too. But the folks jumped on like Frog on a Tin Roof in scorching sun. What is needed for them is to undergo the Basics of Information Security and also learn the part of Cyber Espionage and State Sponsored Attacker. Government of Bharat for that matter wouldn’t hire Attackers to snoop in as they reserve the right to obtain the phone right from the owner should there be a requirement to investigate an Act against the Sovereignty of Bharat.