Kashmir – The (non)-Issue

Kashmir issue is something that is an issue made out to satisfy someone’s ego. The issue has more to do with the Geo-Political revenge case rather than genuine actual claim of territory. Those who are learned and who have their senses intact would know that Historically Kashmir was always part of the “Undivided India”. However … Read more

भूल ना पाती वो नाते

कुछ पंक्तियाँ यूँ लिखी किसी ने कि मन हुआ विचलित….————————————————————————————कुछ नींदें कुछ स्वप्न चुरा कर जब तुमसे करती बातें,सज जाती हैं बंद पलक पर, विगत दिनों की बरसातें,बूँद – बूँद सिमटे जाते पल भीग-भीग कर गीला मन,सुधियों की कैसी बदली जो, भूल ना पाती वो नाते ||————————————————————————————पढ़ इन पंक्तियों को विचार कुछ उमड़े ह्रदय में| … Read more

दास्तान आंसुओं की

आंसुओं की दास्ताँ न पूछ मुझसेकि आंसू तो यूँही निकल पड़ते हैंथामना भी चाहूँ इन्हें मगर तेरी याद में बह निकलते हैं

She Melted in My Arms

When I saw thee on the airportI was shocked and a lil shortShort of wordsShort of timeI just looked at her and SmiledI knew it would work and take me milesMiles in the airMiles of her care It did happen when she smiled backShe sought my number while serving cakeHer pink lips looked too invitingHer … Read more

Dedicated Corruption

Looking Back when it was at PrimeGovernment went to declare it CrimeCorruption was taken as an OffenseTo the extent it penetrated in DefenseHeight was when it entered the CoffinWith our Ministry eating foreign Muffin Long back they went buying CannonsSeems they took some from MemmonsMoney moved with Leaders Hand in Hand Leaving the Nation on … Read more

Patience to Support Corruption?

I went to my first ever TV talk show “We The People of India” on NDTV (India: Game for Corruption?), it was one thought provoking topic that revolved around the big ticket scams v/s the tolerance that has built into the mentality of the People or India that”Without paying for getting work done, work would … Read more